Fill in the UTILE questionnaire to have the chance of receiving free support for the valorisation of your EU-funded project!

Have you participated or are you participating in a European FP7 Health or H2020 SC1 Health project? Read on, because the European Commission is supporting a major initiative – UTILE – that helps you to (further) exploit your health related research results. UTILE offers the following services for free:

  • Business and Innovation training
  • Vouchers for external expert services
  • Access to leading private investors
  • Access to health market end-users (big pharma, biotech etc.)
  • Partnering opportunities with industrial parties
  • And more!

UTILE is currently in the process of evaluating and selecting the most promising research results for offering these free services. One of our instruments is an online questionnaire that is now being sent directly to your email box from your EU Project Officer.

This questionnaire gives us valuable information about your project and its research results. By responding you increase your chances of being selected and go through to the next evaluation round. Keep a close eye on your email box to not miss out on this opportunity!

Fill in your questionnaire here (a light registration is required to ensure data security). Completion of the questionnaire should only take a short time but could potentially yield big output.

UTILE includes all FP7 Health and H2020 SC1 Health projects that finished before 31/08/2017 and ongoing H2020 SC1 Health projects that started before 31/08/2015. Questionnaires can be filled in by all partners of the eligible projects.

Returned your questionnaire online to UTILE by 11/03/2018. Don’t delay! You can be contacted by UTILE partners for additional information about the project.

“UTILE” brings your FP7 and Horizon 2020 funded research results further to market!

Questions about completing the form itself or feedback can be addressed to