Our 3rd newsletter has just been published on the website!
The newsletter includes an update of the activities carried out so far by UTILE partners. First of all, you can find details on the progress of the FP7 and H2020 project evaluation that UTILE is carrying out with the goal to identify the research results with the highest potential for translation and commercial exploitation.
Secondly, you can read about the great success of the 1st Business and innovation workshop which took place in Sofia, Bulgaria, last 15th June, as well as the participation to the BIOM&M 2018 in Milan, Italy
Finally, an overview of the next workshop and brokerage event that UTILE is organisng for selected Health projects in the framework of the event Meet in Italy for Life Sciences, in Bologna (Italy) on 10-12 October 2018 (http://meetinitalylifesciences.eu/).